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Popular Questions
What are the contributions payable by the employer and employee?
The contributions payable by the employer and the employee under the scheme are 12% of PF wages. From the employer’s share of contribution, 8.33% is contributed towards the Employees’ Pension Scheme and the remaining 3.67% is contributed to the EPF Scheme. Employer’s contribution towards Employees’ Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme is 0.50% and the administrative charges are 0.50%.
Can an employee opt out from the Schemes under EPF Act?
An employee with a basic salary of over Rs. 15,000 and who has never been a member of EPF can opt out of the scheme. But once they become a member, they cannot opt out of the scheme.
Can new employee directly joined drawing salary more than Rs.15000 can he/she be member of PF/ pension?
Three conditions are applied to your above questions. <br/><br/> If any employee who is registered under EPS act on or after 1st September 2014, who is fresher, who is not a member of EPS previously, and whose EPS wages are more than ceiling amount (Rs. 15000/-PM), then it is mandatory to exclude all those employees from pension contribution. <br/><br/> If any employee who registered under EPS act before 1st September 2014, and if he/she joined a new organization then it is mandatory to continue his pension contribution though his EPS wages are above the ceiling amount. <br/><br/> If the employee is registered under EPS Act before 1st September 2014, and if he/she already withdraws the pension amount through form 10C, then also he/she can be excluded from pension contribution though his EPS wages are above the ceiling amount.
What is UAN?
Universal Account Number (UAN) is a 12-digit number allotted by the EPFO to each of its members to manage their PF accounts. It acts as an umbrella for members to assemble all their PF accounts associated with multiple ids (Member Identification Numbers) in one place. UAN has made it easy for employees to monitor, withdraw and transfer their PF funds. When an employee changes jobs, they need to provide their UAN to the new employer to link the new PF account. Since the UAN provides direct online access to the employees, an employer cannot deduct or hold back their PF
How can a member access his/her details through the portal?
Members need to visit the UAN based Member Portal website i.e. https://uanmembers.epfoservices.in/ Initially, member will have to activate his/her UAN by selecting a link given ‘Activate your UAN’ on the UAN Member Portal. Member should have UAN, Mobile and Member ID readily available to activate his/her UAN on the UAN Member Portal. For further details, please select the hyperlink ‘User Manual for Members’.

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General Questions
Is an employee entitled to be paid bonus for the period during which he is laid off and is paid layoff compensation?
According to section 14 of the Act an employee shall be deemed to have worked on the days on which he has been laid off. During the period of lay-off he is paid lay-off compensation which is not excluded from the purview of the definition of wages under the Act. He is therefore entitled to be paid bonus for the period.
To which Establishments Bonus Act is Applicable?
The Act is applicable to:<br/> (a) every factory<br/> (b) every other establishment employing 20 or more persons.<br/> The Government can, however, apply the Act to any establishment employing less than 20 but not less than 10 persons. An establishment to which the Act applies shall continue to be governed by the Act irrespective of any fall in the number of persons employed therein.<br/> An establishment to which the act applies shall continue to be goverened by the act irrespective of any fall in the number of persons employed therein.<br/> Note: The Government of Maharashtra by a notification dated 11.4.1984 has applied the act to factories and other establishments employing 10 or more with effect from the accounting year 1983.
Is it mandatory for an employer to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee by an employer?
Every employer of a workplace employing more than ten workers shall constitute, by an order in writing, a Committee to be known as Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). (It is, however, not stated whether any woman employee is necessary amongst 10 workers).
Who will be the members of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)?
The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) shall consist of the following members:- <br/><br/> Presiding Officer: A woman employed at a senior level at workplace from amongst employees. In case a senior level woman employee is not available, the Presiding Officer shall be nominated from the other offices or administrative units of the workplace. In case the other offices or administrative units of the workplace do not have a senior level woman employee, the Presiding officer shall be nominated from any other workplace of the same employer or other dept or organisation. <br/><br/> Employee Members: not less than two: from employee preferably committed to the cause of women or who have experience in social work or have a legal knowledge. <br/><br/> External Member: One: from amongst non-governmental organisations or associations committed to the cause of women or a person familiar with the issues relating to sexual harassment. <br/><br/> Atleast one half of the total members so nominated shall be women. Thus the ICC will consist of minimum 4 members of which atleast 2 members must be women.
What will be the tenure of the members of the Internal Complaints Committee?
The Presiding Officer and every member of the Internal Complaints committee shall hold office for a period not exceeding three years from the date of nomination.